Patreon/Subscriber Specials Index

I’ve been releasing Patreon specials for awhile and I leave them up, because I think it increases the bang-for-your-buck of all people who join, but quite a few Patrons have noted that they find it difficult to dig through my whole patron feed to find stuff, and that’s true: Patreon sucks for navigation.  So, my Patrons have asked me to organize them all into a single, easy-to-find place.  And, here it its!

Some of these specials are previews so not all of them will be “unique” forever, and some are outdated already, but I include them primarily for reference, or for those of you who want a preview. This list is also not exhaustive.  I may have missed a few, and certainly there are more to come.

If you’re not a Patron, feel free to join us.  There’s a link in the sidebar, or you can click here.  If you are a patron, enjoy!  Those of you who prefer SubscribeStar can access my page here.

Dreamer ($1+) General Specials

I assume Dreamers want to generally support me, and their specials are meant to be broadly applicable, either to RPGs in general, or to a variety of GURPS products.

  • Esoteric Medicine (SubscribeStar Link): As I worked on Psi-Wars, I realized Esoteric Medicine needed a place within the setting, and to make that happen, I wanted more detail on how Esoteric Medicine worked and what it meant.  This document is an exploration of real-world esoteric medicine (in broad strokes) and suggestions on how to make your own esoteric medicine systems.
  • Philosophy (SubscribeStar Link): I used GURPS Religion a lot, but I’ve done a lot of homework on philosophy (I’m no philosophy major, but I suspect I know more than the average guy on the street about the various stripes and flavors of philosophies out there), so I wanted to create a “mini-supplement” meant to augment GURPS Religion with discussions of Philosophy.
  • The Five Shaolin Elders (SubscribeStar Link): I sought inspiration for the Templar secret Masters from the FIve Shaolin elders, so I shared my research in this post, including a new martial art (White Eyebrow Boxing)
  • Building an Ultra-Tech Framework: This is originally public, and its also available in broken-up pieces on my blog, but you can get the whole thing here.
  • How Big is Big, Size Modifier Context: A post about what various size modifiers mean in volume and size with real-world comparisons, part of my research into vehicular design.
  • Clarktech: Technology as Magic (SubscribeStar Link): An article on using GURPS Ultra-Tech as the basis for a “sci-fi as fantasy” setting or using technology as your basis for magic.
  • The Siege of Centauri Prime (SubscribeStar Link): a quick sketch of a new setting, a world in the midst of being terraformed, where highschool kids co-opt their parents fabrication units to create robots for battle-bot gladiatorial battles out in the wildlands of the planet.  It’s meant as a worked xample of my Ultra-Tech Framework.
  • The Plague Creation System (SubscribeStar Link): A quick sketch of three basic disease templates, 4 thematic sets of symptoms based on the Four Humors, and a set of special effects that one can apply to diseases to further customize them, including three worked examples and Viral Gadgeteer modifiers!
  • Minion Enhancements (SubscribeStar Link): Suggestions for spicing up encounters with Action Mooks and Henchmen
  • The Great Book of Destiny: (SubscribeStar Link) A complete work on Destiny in Psi-Wars, but applicable to other settings. Includes:
    • A discussion of the Destiny Mechanic in GURPS and how you can mess with its cost
    • A system for “Creating Destiny,” the sort of thing an Akashic Witch might do, and will allow you to create “fights” over Destiny where people try to outmaneuver one another to control the future. This includes “magical modifiers” and a new “Hours” system, and tie-ins with the Paths of Communion.
    • 32 pre-defined Destiny templates, everything from Trivial to Greater Destinies, both advantageous and disadvantageous.

Broadly Applicable Psi-Wars Topics
Evidently I also include some Psi-Wars inspired topics in the $1+, but only if I see that they might be useful outside of Psi-Wars

  • Faith in Psi-Wars (Shepherdism) (SubscribeStar Link):  I wanted to talk about numerous ways to think about faith beyond the “religion as psychic powers” found in most of my religions.  I also introduced a new “generic” religion inspired by Shepherd Book from Firefly (“Shepherdism”), which seems popular enough that I might fold it into Psi-Wars proper.
  • Scale of the Empire (SubscribeStar Link):  This was more of a meditation on how large the Empire would “realistically” be.  It’s not necessarily “canon” for the Psi-Wars empire, but is an interesting discussion of what interstellar-scale civilizations might look like, using the economics of GURPS Space.
  • Tactics – Imperial Security (SubscribeStar Link): As part of my design of the Empire and Rebellions, I studied how real armies and insurgencies fight and came up with some broad outlines for tactics they might use. I also had one unpublished on my blog for imperial security.  It’s all subject to change, but might be an interesting read, or inspiration for your own police/spy forces.
  • Rare Psionic Powers in Psi-Wars (SubscribeStar Link): A look at how to handle Dream Control, Probability Alteration and Necrokinesis in Psi-Wars.

Fellow Traveler ($3+) Psi-Wars Specials

The intent behind Fellow Travelers are that they either really want to support me, or they really want Psi-Wars content, so their rewards tend to be Psi-Wars preview, or Psi-Wars “general discussion” that doesn’t feel right on the blog.

Psi-Wars Previews

  • Dirty Ultra-Tech (SubscribeStar Link): As I worked on rebel factions, it occurred to me that I needed ways to improvise technology.  This is based on dirty-tech from High-Tech, but with a TL 11^ spin.
  • The Names of Humanity (SubscribeStar Link): Names matter, and this was my first stab at putting them together.  Some elements in here will certainly change, especially the Shinjurai names, which I’m not happy with yet, but it’s still a nice resource.
  • Transcendent Principles and Powers (SubscribeStar Link): The Cult of the Mystical Tyrant rewrites reality with their sheer will, creating new powers . This includes two more principles and powers not detailed in the blog-posts.
  • Domen Khemet – the Cult of Death (SubscribeStar Link): The Divine Masks religion includes multiple sub-sects that worship specific paths of Communion.  This is the result of poll for the Path of Death.
  • Elite Armor – Alexus and Tan-Shai (SubscribeStar Link): The secret armor of the royal Alexian dynasty and the Fifth house, Tan-Shai
  • The Slavers Preview (SubscribeStar Link): Disgusting!  The monstrous Temkorathim of the Deep Dark Rim unveiled at last in all of their slavering horror.  Includes art by the inestimable Kriz Villacis.
  • The Lost Book of Houses (SubscribeStar Link): Four new houses, including House Alexus and House Tan-Shai.
  • The Lost Book of Houses: House Apex: The Shinjurai Gene World of Xen controls the Sylvan Spiral, and the world is ruled by Lord Apex; he has no heirs but himself, for his genetic perfection is such that he cloned himself over and over again. Now, twelve clones compete for the chance to be the Twelfth Lord Apex to sit upon the throne of Xen. This includes all the rules to play a clone of the great lord himself, including genetic upgrades, unique training and inherited memories. (SubscibeStar link)
  • I’ve added more details to the Asrathi, including a Death Walking set of power ups for Mystics. Most of the actual Asrathi content has been folded into the wiki, but the Death Walker power-ups remain a Patreon Special. (SubscribeStar Link)
  • The Menhiri: A race of stony beings native to the ancient city world of Kronos; they once kept the history of the Galaxy before the Eldoth committed vast genocide against them; few remain in the galaxy today. (Subscribestar Link)
  • The Shepherdism/Faith post been updated with a more, directly Psi-Wars related post, Shepherdism 2.0 (SubscribeStarLink) which includes “power-ups” for Shepherds.
  • Psycho-Social Analytics: a Shinjurai social “martial art” for pedagogues and Shinjurai Companions. (Subscribestar Link)
  • The Book of Hunger: a collection of Slaver Cartels, including Khedu the Hunter, lord of the League of Zang, and four of the seven Councilors of the Oligarchy of Vech (Subscribestar Link)
  • The Relic Ships of the Tyranny: A collection of ancient ships from the bygone heyday of the Ranathim, including discussions of their unique technology, and what modern refits might look like. (Subscribestar Link)

Companion ($5+) Elite Content

The real intent behind Companions is that they have the option to shape content by joining in on polls (some of the previews above are “poll generated”), but they also sometimes get option to highly exclusive content, usually on par with a complete supplement’s worth of material (10k+ words)

  • Orphans of the Stars (SubscribeStar Link): This was a commissioned work that I had permission to release.  It’s a TL 9-10^ bio-tech setting with a deep focus on politics.  It includes a fully workable political system for GURPS with a focus on administration.

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