Sic Semper Tyrannis

Today are the Ides of March! And in honor of those, I have released Domen Meret, the Ranathim Imperial Cult, as a backer special.

When Ozamanthim began the tradition of the Ranathim Tyranny, he cast himself as the divine ruler of the Ranathim people. He used the power of Dark Communion and his own natural psychic affinity to enter into trances and to channel the divine aspect of the Mystical Tyrant into his proclamations. A cult of priests assisted him in the rituals of court, making his edicts more than the mere acts a ruler, but elevating them to the divine. Since the fall of the Tyranny, the original cult has largely faded away, but on a few scattered worlds one can still find the strangely masked and robed courtier-priests of the old way. Their centuries of ritual wrote the will of various tyrants into the fabric of Dark Communion, and sometimes, they have the power to channel these aspects of long dead rulers. Others remain ready and waiting for the return of a once and future dynasty, a return to the Cult of Ozamanthim.

For those interested in what being someone like Ozamanthim results in, I’ve released a new lens for the Mystical Tyrant Cultist, as well as divided up the Cult of the Mystical Tyrant into power-ups.

I’ve also released details on Divine Mask Cults as organizations.

Finally, for those interested in Domen Meret, the confluence between the Divine Masks and the Cult of the Mystical Tyrant, that ancient imperial cult that remains largely only as a historical curiosity, as well as a new Transcendent Path, the Path of the Faithful Vizier, you can find the backer posts here:

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